Dare to be different

Michelle de Hoogh, born in the Netherlands in 1980, is the founder and lead designer of Miccy's. She lives with her husband and two young children in Dubai. Michelle has always been driven by art and design. She studied Art&Culture at the Maastricht University and can often be found with her scetchbook in her hand.Walking through ancient cities in Italy, or wandering through a hectic Shanghai, both provide her with great inspiration for new designs. Michelle is not afraid of the unusual. Why not wearing a flamingo, big lemon or bag of popcorn as a fashion statement? Dare to be different, that's typically what she tries to express with Miccy's

Next to being creative with earrings, Michelle loves to paint. Her paintings fill her family house and the office, and it appears that her children have the same hobby as they are often spotted at the kitchen table scetching the three of them together. Michelle also often can be found at a long lunch or diner with friends. Enjoying the beautiful surroundings of a terrace at Lake Como or the evening sun at the beach in Dubai, she often gets inspired for a new design or set of colours.

Miccy's earrings are not the typical earrings you'll find in jewellery stores. Each of them are handcrafted and therefore unique fashion statements.
Every statement earring in our collection tells something about you: about your way of living, your choice for quality and your unique personality.
Miccy's statement and fashionable earrings are THE best compliment to you Little-Black-Dress, that great pair of jeans or the eye-catcher for tonight's cocktail party